Information letter





November 16–17, 2023


The Republic of Uzbekistan

Tashkent State Transport University (Republic of Uzbekistan) in collaboration with the Azerbaijan Cultural Center named after Heydar Aliyev in Uzbekistan, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan invites you to take part in the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Literary Heritage of Maksud Sheikhzade and Modern Period”

The theme of the conference is related to the history of Uzbek literature of the twentieth century and the work of the extraordinary personality-poet, who made a worthy contribution to the treasury of Uzbek literature Maksud Sheikhzade.

Poet, playwright, scientist, translator of masterpieces of world classics M. Sheikhzade “…was a symbol of the historical and spiritual kinship of the Uzbek people and the people of Azerbaijan”

Purpose of the conference:

Study of the life and work of Maksud Sheikhzade; organization of a value-oriented discussion of the works of the great writer, his contribution to the development of modern society, the formation and development of reading motivation of young scientists, doctoral students and students, organization of a value-oriented discussion of the works of Maksud Sheikhzade.


Within the framework of the international scientific and practical conference, work is planned in the following sections:

Section 1. Maksud Sheikhzade and Uzbek poetry of the twentieth century.

Section 2. Scientific heritage of Maksud Sheikhzade.

Section 3. Literary processes of the twentieth century and features of the dramaturgy of Maksud Sheikhzade.

Section 4. Maksud Sheikhzadeh – translator of world classics.

Section 5. Maksud Sheikhzadeh in the memoirs of contemporaries.

Section 6. The influence of Maksud Sheikhzade’s creative works on the industrial and technological progress of modern society

Working languages: Uzbek, Azerbaijani, English, Russian.

Forms of participation in the conference

  • personal (report with speech and presentation);
  • correspondence (publication of materials).

Information for conference participants

  1. Based on the results of the conference, a collection of proceedings will be published, indexed in the Google Scholar database. Innovative scientific articles will be published in the Scopus or WoS database

Articles are submitted via the form until November 12, 2023.

Payment is accepted until November 12, 2023 by email of the organizing committee

Requirements for arranging articles

Text format: MS Word, Times New Roman font, size 14. Margins: 2.5 cm on all sides. The title is printed in capital letters, bold, and automatically centered. Below, one spaced in lowercase letters – the author’s full name, academic degree, title (if any). On the next line – the full name of the organization, country, city. After a one-spaced indentation, there is an abstract (minimum 100 words), keywords (5-6), followed by one-spaced text, printed at one-and-a-half intervals, a paragraph indent of 1 cm, width alignment. At the end of the article is attached a list of references compiled according to generally accepted rules.

        The title of the article, abstract, keywords, full name of the author(s), academic degree, full name of the organization, list of used literature is presented in the language of the article and in English.

        The name and numbers of the figures are indicated under the figures (if any).

        The publication volume is from 3 to 6 pages. After the list of references, information about the authors is provided (a sample is presented in a separate file).

         The material must be submitted electronically to the organizing committee’s email address

         The authors are responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the facts presented in the article. Materials that do not meet technical requirements will not be accepted. Articles that do not pass the review are not included in the conference program and are not returned to the authors.

          The conference materials will be published as an electronic collection. Each participant will be issued a certificate of participation.

Information letter

Requirements for the design of articles for the SCOPUS or WoS database:

based on the IMRAD format

  • Articles are accepted in English;
  • The volume of the article is from 6 to 12 pages;
  • Originality of the text is at least 80% (articles are checked using the Anti-Plagiarism system);

Submit paper:

Requirements for submission of materials

To participate in the second international scientific and practical conference with full-time and distance participation “The Literary Heritage of Maksud Sheikhzade and Modern Зукшщв”, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the poet’s birth, you have to:

  • fill in the registration form on the official website  (if there are several authors in the work, all participants have to register);

            Each article must be submitted in a separate file. The file name includes the last name of the first author, for example, “LastName.doc or .docx.” Materials from participants who have registered on the conference website are accepted for publication. The organizing committee reserves the right to select submitted materials. Abstracts of reports and articles undergo mandatory checking in the Anti-Plagiarism system. Only previously unpublished materials that have scientific novelty, relevance, practical significance, and the design of which meets the requirements are accepted for publication. Materials that do not correspond to the theme of the conference, as well as in violation of the deadlines for submission, volume and format rules may be rejected.


Till Nov,12,2023

Registration of participants link

Till Nov,12,2023

Submitting materials for the conference of authors (abstracts and articles) link

Till Nov,12,2023

Providing information about arrival/departure (scan of airline ticket and passport) to clarify the number of international conference participants

Till Nov,12,2023

Confirmation of participation in the cultural program of the conference (visit to Samarkand as part of the conference) by means of an organizational fee (provide a scanner or a contribution receipt to the telegram number

  +99890 097 60 26 Tashkenbayev Tashtemir Tashkenbayevich or by mail

Conference Itinerary



Events of the first day

16-th November



9.00 – 10.00

Laying flowers at the monument to the writer at the Chigatai cemetery

10.00 – 10.40

Registration of participants

10.40 – 11.00

Opening ceremony

11.00 – 13.00

Plenary meeting

13.00 – 14.00


14.00 – 17.00

Meeting at the Azerbaijan Cultural Center (presentation of monographs by associate professors of the “Uzbek (Rus) Tili” department, awarding scholarship holders named after M. Sheikhzade, screening of a film about M. Sheikhzade, visit to the M. Sheikhzade museum)

17.00 – 19.00

Evening Tashkent city-tour



Events of the second day

17-th November




Departure to Samarkand


Arrival in Samarkand

10.00  – 13.00

Excursion to the sights of Samarkand

(city guide, organization of sightseeing of the city)

13.00 – 14.00


14.00 – 16.00

Excursion to the sights of Samarkand

(city guide, organization of sightseeing of the city)


Departure to Tashkent


 Arrival in Tashkent

Options for participation in the conference and the cost of the registration fee

Options for participation






100.000 sum

10 $

CORRESPONDENT, article publication only

200.000 sum

20 $

Participation in the cultural program of the conference

Participation in the cultural program of the conference (optional)

Participation in the conference with presentation

Participation in the cultural program of the conference (in the Azerbaijanian center)

meals (coffee-break, lunch, dinner)

Transfer with return ticket Tashkent-Samarkand-Tashkent

provision of information materials, publication of conference materials, publishing costs

1.200.000 sum

100 $

Publishing the article in the Scopus or WoS database

The best scientific articles will be published in the Scopus or WoS database


Organising fee

Payment of the fee for participation in the conference must be made in US dollars or in national currency (in sums) at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the day of payment.

Payment details:

  • Uzcard 5614 6819 0219 7296 Tashkenbayev Tashtemir
  • Visa card 4108 5901 1022 5441 Tashkenbaev Tashtemir

The cost of hotel accommodation is not included in the registration fee.

Hotel reservations are made by contacting the Organizing Committee or independently by conference participants.

Options for hotel locations near the Tashkent State Transport University are presented at the link:

Address of the Conference Organizing Committee

100167 Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, st. Temiryulchilar, 1. Tashkent State Transport University (TSTU), Department of “Uzbek (Rus) Tili”.


Contact phones:

  • +998 90 989 55 33 associate professor Yusupov Shermatilla Rakhmatovich – Uzbekistan
  • +99890 097 60 26 associate professor Tashkenbaev Tashtemir Tashkenbaevich – Russian language
  • +99891 942 66 99 Associate Professor Rustamov Ilkhom Tursunovich – English


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